TUFFT is seeking text, video and voice note submissions to our WhatsApp number to encourage people to share their feelings about the 11+. We’d like to use these contributions to highlight the problems with this test. You can be anonymous if you like, and please speak frankly. Tell us how […]
Time’s Up for the Test has created an alternative 11+ test. It will check out your understanding of typical test questions – and how much you know about the world of grammar schools. Take the test below, and share it with your friends! Loading…
Time’s Up for the Test has produced three designs of flyers to highlight the problem with 11+ tests and grammar schools. We’ve already distributed them to supporters around the country, but would love to send them to every corner of England that offers an 11+ test. If you’d like some […]
Time’s Up for the Test has expanded our social media presence. You can find TUFTT posting on the following social channels: Facebook, Twitter/X Instagram We hope you’ll follow our campaign on these channels, and share and like posts to help spread word to new supporters.