Tell us your 11+ story

TUFFT is seeking text, video and voice note submissions to our WhatsApp number to encourage people to share their feelings about the 11+. We’d like to use these contributions to highlight the problems with this test.

You can be anonymous if you like, and please speak frankly. Tell us how the test made you feel. What was the impact on your family? Do you think this school system is fair? We hope to share selected submissions on our social media channels and website. See below for full details.

Please get involved and have your say!

TUFTT WhatsApp Campaign – How we’ll use your submission

TUFTT is inviting members of the public to send text, video, or voice note submissions via WhatsApp.

  • How submissions may be used:
    Your submission may be shared on TUFTT’s social media channels, websites, or those of affiliated campaigns, including:
  • Editing and anonymisation:
    • Submissions may be edited or shortened for clarity, but every effort will be made to retain the original meaning.
    • Unless you explicitly state your name and wish to be identified, your submission will be anonymised before being shared.
  • Changing your mind:
    If you decide you no longer want your submission to be shared publicly, you can email to request its removal. The message will be deleted and removed from all platforms.

By submitting, you agree to allow TUFTT to share your message as described above. You can read TUFTT’s Data Security and Privacy Policy in full here.